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Data Models

Ayushma's data models, defined in the ayushma/models directory, represent the core entities and relationships within the application, providing the structure for storing and managing data.

User Model


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the user.
    • full_name (CharField): User's full name (optional).
    • email (EmailField): User's email address, used as username.
    • allow_key (BooleanField): Allows user to use their own OpenAI API key.
    • is_reviewer (BooleanField): Indicates if the user has reviewer privileges.
    • Inherited from AbstractUser:
      • password, last_login, is_staff, is_active, date_joined, first_name, last_name, is_superuser, groups, user_permissions, last_login_platform, last_login_ip, modified_at

Project Model


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the project.
    • title (CharField): Project name.
    • description (TextField): Optional project description.
    • creator (ForeignKey): Links to User model, denotes the project creator.
    • prompt (TextField): Optional instructions for the AI assistant.
    • assistant_id (CharField): ID of the linked OpenAI assistant.
    • open_ai_key (CharField): Project-specific OpenAI API key.
    • stt_engine, tts_engine, model (IntegerField): Configurations for speech and AI model.
    • preset_questions (ArrayField): Preset questions for the project.
    • is_default, archived (BooleanField): Status flags for the project.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted

Chat Models



  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the chat session.
    • title (CharField): Title of the chat session.
    • user, project (ForeignKey): Links to User and Project models.
    • prompt (TextField): Optional chat-specific prompt.
    • api_key (ForeignKey): API key used for the chat.
    • model (IntegerField): AI model used for the chat.
    • thread_id (CharField): Identifier for OpenAI assistant interactions.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the message.
    • chat (ForeignKey): Links to Chat model.
    • messageType (IntegerField): Type of the message (user, Ayushma, or system).
    • message (TextField): Content of the message.
    • original_message (TextField): Original message before translation.
    • language (CharField): Language of the message.
    • reference_documents (ManyToManyField): Referenced documents.
    • audio (FileField): Audio file for TTS output.
    • meta (JSONField): Additional metadata.
    • temperature, top_k (FloatField, IntegerField): Parameters for message generation.
    • noonce (CharField): Identifier to prevent duplicate messages.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the feedback.
    • chat_message (ForeignKey): Links to ChatMessage model.
    • liked (BooleanField): User's approval of the response.
    • message (TextField): Additional feedback text.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted

Document Model


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the document.
    • title (CharField): Title of the document.
    • description (TextField): Optional description of the document.
    • document_type (IntegerField): Specifies the type (file, URL, text).
    • file (FileField): File object if the document is a file.
    • text_content (TextField): Text content of the document.
    • project (ForeignKey): Links to the Project model.
    • test_question (ForeignKey): Links to the TestQuestion model (if applicable).
    • uploading, failed (BooleanField): Status flags for uploading and processing.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted

Test Suite and Test Run Models



  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the test suite.
    • name (CharField): Name of the test suite.
    • temperature (FloatField): Temperature setting for AI response generation.
    • topk (IntegerField): Top k parameter for AI response generation.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the test question.
    • test_suite (ForeignKey): Links to TestSuite model.
    • question (TextField): The prompt or question for the test case.
    • human_answer (TextField): Expected or reference answer.
    • documents (ManyToManyField): Attached reference documents.
    • language (CharField): Language of the question and answer.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the test run.
    • test_suite (ForeignKey): Links to TestSuite model.
    • project (ForeignKey): Links to the Project model.
    • status (IntegerField): Current status (running, completed, failed).
    • references (BooleanField): Whether reference documents were used.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the test result.
    • test_run (ForeignKey): Links to TestRun model.
    • test_question (ForeignKey): Links to TestQuestion model.
    • question (TextField): The question from the test case.
    • human_answer (TextField): The expected or reference answer.
    • answer (TextField): AI's generated answer during the test run.
    • cosine_sim (FloatField): Cosine similarity score.
    • bleu_score (FloatField): BLEU score of the AI's answer.
    • references (ManyToManyField): Reference documents used.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the feedback.
    • user (ForeignKey): Links to the User model.
    • test_result (ForeignKey): Links to TestResult model.
    • rating (IntegerField): Rating for the test case.
    • notes (TextField): Additional feedback notes.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted



  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the API key.
    • title (CharField): Name or title of the API key.
    • key (CharField): API key string.
    • creator (ForeignKey): Links to deprecated User model field.
    • service (ForeignKey): Links to the Service model.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted


  • Fields:

    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the temporary token.
    • token (CharField): Temporary token string.
    • api_key (ForeignKey): Links to APIKey model.
    • ip (CharField): IP address associated with the token.
    • expires_at (DateTimeField): When the token expires.

Service Model


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the service.
    • name (CharField): Name of the service.
    • allow_key (BooleanField): Indicates if API keys are allowed for the service.
    • owner (ForeignKey): Links to the User model, indicating the service owner.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: created_at, modified_at, deleted

ResetPasswordToken Model


  • Fields:
    • external_id (UUID): Unique identifier for the token.
    • user (ForeignKey): Links to the User model.
    • created_at (DateTimeField): Timestamp of token creation.
    • key (CharField): The token string.
    • ip_address (GenericIPAddressField): IP address associated with the token generation.
    • user_agent (CharField): User agent string associated with the token generation.
    • Inherited from BaseModel: modified_at, deleted