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Ayushma integrates with various Google Cloud services to enhance its speech recognition, text-to-speech, and translation capabilities.

Speech-to-Text (STT)

  • Google Speech-to-Text API: Ayushma leverages the Google Speech-to-Text API to convert spoken language into written text. This enables users to interact with the AI assistant using voice commands and facilitates the processing of audio data.

Code Snippet (ayushma/utils/

class GoogleEngine:
def __init__(self, api_key, language_code):
self.language_code = language_code

def recognize(self, audio):
client = speech.SpeechClient()
# ... audio processing and recognition using Google Speech-to-Text API
return response.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript
except Exception as e:
# ... error handling

Text-to-Speech (TTS)

  • Google Text-to-Speech API: Ayushma utilizes the Google Text-to-Speech API to convert written text into natural-sounding speech. This allows the AI assistant to provide audio responses, which can be helpful for users who prefer to listen to information or have difficulty reading text.

Code Snippet (ayushma/utils/

def text_to_speech(text, language_code, service):
# ...
if service == TTSEngine.GOOGLE:
client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient()
# ... text-to-speech synthesis using Google Text-to-Speech API
return response.audio_content
# ...


  • Google Translate API: Ayushma uses the Google Translate API to translate text between multiple languages. This enables multilingual support, allowing users to interact with the AI assistant and access medical information in their preferred language.

Code Snippet (ayushma/utils/

def translate_text(target, text):
translate_client = translate.Client()
result = translate_client.translate(text, target_language=target)
return result["translatedText"]
except Exception as e:
# ... error handling

Implementation Details

  • API Credentials: Ayushma requires appropriate API credentials and configuration to access Google Cloud services.
  • Language Support: Google Cloud APIs offer extensive language support, allowing Ayushma to handle a wide range of languages for STT, TTS, and translation.
  • Customization: Google Cloud APIs provide options to customize aspects of speech recognition, speech synthesis, and translation, such as voice selection, pronunciation, and style.
  • Cost: Usage of Google Cloud APIs incurs costs based on the volume of requests and usage.

Benefits and Considerations

  • High-Quality Services: Google Cloud APIs are known for their accuracy, reliability, and natural-sounding speech synthesis.
  • Scalability: Google Cloud services offer scalability to accommodate Ayushma's growth and user traffic.
  • Multilingual Support: Extensive language support facilitates communication with a global audience.
  • Cost Management: Monitoring and optimizing API usage is important to manage costs effectively.