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Contribution Guidelines

Ayushma is an open-source project and welcomes contributions from the community to enhance its features, functionality, and accessibility. This section outlines the guidelines for contributing to the project effectively.

Contribution Process

  1. Identify an Issue or Feature: Explore the existing issues on Ayushma's GitHub repository or propose a new feature that aligns with the project's goals.
  2. Discuss Your Contribution: Before starting work, create an issue or comment on an existing issue to discuss your proposed contribution with the maintainers and community. This ensures alignment with the project's direction and avoids duplicate efforts.
  3. Fork the Repository: Fork the Ayushma repository to your own GitHub account. This creates a copy where you can make your changes.
  4. Create a Branch: Create a new branch from the main branch to isolate your work. Use a descriptive branch name that reflects the issue or feature you're addressing.
  5. Make Changes: Implement your code changes, adhering to the project's coding style and best practices. Write clear and concise commit messages that explain each change.
  6. Test Thoroughly: Test your changes to ensure they function as intended and do not introduce regressions. Unit tests and integration tests are encouraged.
  7. Submit a Pull Request: Push your branch to your forked repository and create a pull request to the main branch of the Ayushma repository. Provide a clear description of your changes and address any feedback from reviewers.
  8. Code Review: The maintainers and community will review your pull request, providing feedback and suggestions. Be responsive to feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  9. Merging: Once your pull request is approved and passes all checks, it will be merged into the main branch, integrating your contributions into the project.

Best Practices

  • Follow Coding Style: Adhere to Ayushma's coding style guidelines to maintain consistency and readability.
  • Write Clear Commit Messages: Use concise and informative commit messages that explain the purpose and context of each change.
  • Document Your Code: Provide comments and documentation for your code to improve understanding and maintainability.
  • Test Your Changes: Write unit tests and integration tests to ensure the quality and stability of your contributions.
  • Be Responsive: Respond to feedback and address any issues raised during code review promptly.
  • Respect the Community: Maintain a respectful and inclusive attitude when interacting with the maintainers and community members.

Additional Resources

We appreciate your contributions to making Ayushma a valuable tool for improving healthcare accessibility!