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GitHub Discussions Integration

Implementation Details

Code Structure

  • Pull Request Link : Link
  • The codebase is organized into the following files:


  • app/discussions: Contains the main page for Discussions.
  • components/discussions: Contains all required components to display discussions.
  • lib/discussions.ts: Contains all necessary functions to fetch and filter discussions.

1. Discussion Page

  • app/discussion: Contains layout.tsx and discussion page.tsx.
    • Displays fetched data using the GitHubDiscussions.tsx component by passing GitHub Discussions.
    • Here is the view of how the discussions page looks: Discussion Page

2. UI Components

  • components/discussions:

    1. GithubDiscussions.tsx & GithubDiscussion.tsx
      • Both components are used to display GitHub discussions in the project.
      • These are reusable components, so they are used on the Home Page, Discussion Page, and contributor's Profile Page.
      • Here is an image of the Discussions card: Discussion Card
    2. FilterDiscussions.tsx:
      • This component contains two types of filters:
        • Category Filter
        • Date Range Filter (Reused)
      • Both filters are used to filter GitHub Discussions.
      • The UI is the same as shown in the GitHub Discussions route.
    3. DiscussionLeaderboard.tsx:
      • This function ranks the contributors based on the number of answers or comments created, or discussions started.
      • It shows the top 3 contributors based on discussion points.
      • The UI for this is also shown on the discussions page.

3. Modify Point Mechanism and Enable Empathy Badge

  • Answered GitHub Discussion: 5 Points.
  • Created GitHub Discussion: 2 Points.
  • Commented on Discussion: 1 Point (applies once per discussion).
  • Enable an empathy badge based on GitHub Discussions that are answered.

4. Library Functions for GitHub Discussions

  • lib/discussion.ts: Manages fetching and filtering discussions from the data directory. The functions inside are listed below:
    • fetchGithubDiscussion()
    • getGithubDiscussions()
    • fetchParticipants()

Functions and Their Responsibilities:

  • fetchGithubDiscussion():

    • Fetches GitHub Discussions from the data repository and can filter by the number of days or user, or return all discussions.
    • Parameters: Number of Discussions and User Name
    • Based on parameter values, this function will return a discussion array. If no parameters are given, it simply returns all discussions present in the data directory.
    • This function also generates the category array, which is used to show a list of categories available during filtering.
  • getGithubDiscussions():

    • Returns discussions in the form of Activity for the user profile.
    • Parameter: GitHub Handle of User
    • By username, it checks if the discussion was created by the user or not.
    • If created by the user, it gives:
      • Type: discussion_created and Title: Started a Discussion
    • If the user created a comment, then:
      • Type: discussion_comment_created and Title: Commented on discussion
    • If the user answered discussions, then:
      • Type: discussion_answered and Title: Discussion Answered
    • Return type:
      type: activityType,
      title: title,
      time: discussion.time,
      discussion: discussion,
  • checkAnsweredByUser():

    • Checks if the user has answered a particular discussion or not.
    • This function makes a query using Octokit and GraphQL with the help of the discussion number.
    • Fetches information related to whether the GitHub discussion is answered or not.
    • Here's the GraphQL Query:
      query {
      repository(owner: "${org}", name: "${repository}") {
      discussion (number: ${number}) {
      answer {
      author {

Results and Achievements

  • Milestones:
    1. Integrated GitHub Discussions UI in the leaderboard.