Deploying Care Frontend
Setting up the Frontend
The development deployment for care relies on ecs for it's backend deployment. The api provided by the backend can be used by all the development frontends including localhost and the care_fe deploy previews.
We can use any of the following methods to deploy the frontend, for production as well as for deployment previews:
Cloudflare Pages: This is one of the methods for deploying the frontend. It is a static site hosting service that supports automatic deployments from GitHub repositories. The guide explains how to deploy the preview builds of the frontend using Cloudflare Pages.
Netlify: This is another method for deploying the frontend. It is a static site hosting service that supports automatic deployments from GitHub repositories. The guide explains how to deploy the preview builds of the frontend using Netlify.
Vercel: This is another method for deploying the frontend. It is a static site hosting service that supports automatic deployments from GitHub repositories. The guide explains how to deploy the preview builds of the frontend using Vercel.