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Getting Ready For First Deployment

Set the default gke cluster

    # Get the name using:
kubectl config get-contexts

# Set the config:
kubectl config use-context <name>

Run the helm script:

    bash helm/

Use kubectl to apply all the kubernetes yaml files in the following order

    # Deploy configmaps:
kubectl apply -f 'configmaps/*'

# Secrets:
kubectl apply -f 'secrets/*'

# Deployments:
kubectl apply -f 'deployments/*'

# Services:
kubectl apply -f 'services/*'

# Clusterissuer:
kubectl apply -f ClusterIssuer/cluster-issuer.yaml

# Certificate:
kubectl apply -f certificate/certificate.yml

# Ingress:
kubectl apply -f ingress/care.yaml

Once ingress is created, kubectl get ingress care-ingress will show the IP of the TCP load balancer.

Once the DNS records are added, the SSL will be automatically handled.

Add DNS records

Create DNS A records for each domain pointing to the static IP created from "Reserve a static IP address" step.

Applying Release Updates on GCP Manually

To apply the release updates, follow these steps:

  1. Fetch the latest commit hash from the Care Commit History and Care FE Commit History.
  2. Trigger the cloudbuild using the webhook URL available in the cloud build console.
  3. Use curl or any API platform to initiate the build process.
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"substitutions": {
"care_be_tag": "",
"care_fe_tag": "",
"metabase_tag": ""

Setting Up Automated GitHub Workflow Triggers

The Manual process of triggering the build process can be automated using GitHub Actions. The following steps demonstrate how to set up GitHub Actions for triggering the build process across multiple projects.

  1. Navigate to the deploy repository where the GitHub Actions are to be setup.
  2. Add the Webhook URL to the GitHub Secrets.
  3. Create a new GitHub Action workflow file in the .github/workflows directory.
  4. Add the following code snippet to the workflow file.
name: Deploy Multiple Projects
# Manually trigger the workflow from the Actions tab
# Define the workflow's inputs
# Define the inputs BE_TAG and FE_TAG
description: "Backend release tag"
required: true
description: "Frontend release tag"
required: true
description: "Metabase release tag"
required: false

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup Payload
run: |
JSON='{ "substitutions": { "care_be_tag":"'"$BE_TAG"'", "care_fe_tag": "'"$FE_TAG"'", "metabase_tag": "'"$METABSE_TAG"'" } }'
echo "json=$JSON" >> $GITHUB_ENV
BE_TAG: ${{ github.event.inputs.BE_TAG }}
FE_TAG: ${{ github.event.inputs.FE_TAG }}
METABASE_TAG: ${{ github.event.inputs.METABASE_TAG }}
- name: Deploy Project 1
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P1 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

- name: Deploy Project 2
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P2 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

- name: Deploy Project 3
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P3 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

- name: Deploy Project 4
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P4 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

- name: Deploy Project 5
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P5 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

- name: Deploy Project 6
SECRET_URL: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_P6 }}
run: |
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "$json" \

Applying Release Updates

To apply release updates, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve the latest commit hash from the Care Commit History and Care FE Commit History.
  2. Go to the deploy repository where the GitHub Action mentioned above is set up.
  3. Click on the Actions tab.
  4. Choose the Deploy Multiple Projects workflow.
  5. Click on the Run Workflow button.
  6. Input the latest commit hash for both the backend and frontend.
  7. Click on the Run Workflow button again.

These steps will initiate the build pipeline for the backend and frontend projects across all the projects set up in the GitHub Secrets.