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Getting Ready For First Deployment

  1. SSH into the EC2 instance either via the AWS Console or your terminal.
  2. clone care-docker repository from the GitHub.
  3. Navigate to the care-docker directory.
  4. Ensure that docker is installed on the instance.
  5. We are now ready to trigger the cloud build pipeline we setup in the previous steps.
  6. Navigate to the codebuild service in the AWS Console.
  7. Select the deploy-care project.
  8. Click on the Start Build With Overrides button.
  9. Refer to the Care Commit History and Care FE Commit History to fetch the commit hashes and replace it in the environment variables BE_TAG and FE_TAG respectively.
  10. Click on the Start Build button.

Setting Up Triggers

The build/deploy pipeline can be triggered directly from the console as mentioned above, however for triggering can be done using the AWS CLI as well.

  aws codebuild start-build --project-name deploy-care --environment-variables-override name=BE_TAG,value=<tag> name=FE_TAG,value=<tag>

This can be further automated by setting up a GitHub Action to trigger multiple codebuild projects.


  • AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for each project.
  • Setup Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as GitHub Secrets.
name: Trigger AWS CodeBuild for Multiple Projects

description: 'Backend Tag'
required: true
type: string
description: 'Frontend Tag'
required: true
type: string

project: [Example1, Example2, Example3, Example4]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Configure AWS credentials for ${{ matrix.project }}
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets[format('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_{0}', matrix.project)] }}
aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets[format('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_{0}', matrix.project)] }}
aws-region: ap-south-1
- name: Trigger AWS CodeBuild for ${{ matrix.account }}
run: |
aws codebuild start-build \
--project-name deploy-care \
--environment-variables-override \
name=BE_TAG,value=${{ github.event.inputs.BE_TAG }},type=PLAINTEXT \
name=FE_TAG,value=${{ github.event.inputs.FE_TAG }},type=PLAINTEXT

Applying Release Updates

The release updates can be applied by following the steps below:

  1. Fetch the latest commit hash from the Care Commit History and Care FE Commit History.
  2. Navigate to the deploy repository where the above mentioned GitHub Action is setup.
  3. Click on the Actions tab.
  4. Select the Trigger AWS CodeBuild for Multiple Projects workflow.
  5. Click on the Run Workflow button.
  6. Enter the latest commit hash for the backend and frontend.
  7. Click on the Run Workflow button.

The above steps will trigger the build pipeline for the backend and frontend projects accross all the aws accounts setup in the GitHub Secrets.