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Infrastructure Configuration

Configuring the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  1. Access the AWS Console and locate the VPC service.
  2. Initiate the creation of a new VPC by selecting the 'VPC and more' option and name it care-vpc. This action will automatically generate a new VPC, along with associated subnets, route tables, and internet gateways.
  3. The default settings will be applied automatically, but you can modify these according to your specific requirements.
  4. Make sure Internet Gateway is attached to the VPC to enable external communication.

Configuring the Relational Database Service (RDS)

  1. From the AWS Console, navigate to the RDS service.
  2. Create a new database instance using the PostgreSQL engine.
  3. Assign DB cluster identifier as care-db
  4. Set the Credential management as Self managed and provide the master username and password.
  5. Set the Availability zone as Per requirement.
  6. Configure the database instance size and storage capacity as needed.
  7. Use the same VPC and subnet group that was created earlier.
  8. Configure the security group to allow inbound traffic on port 5432 from all sources. (This can be restricted to the EC2 instance's internal IP address to enhance security.)
  9. Set Public accessibility to No to restrict access to the database from the internet.

Configuring the S3 Bucket

  1. Locate the S3 service in the AWS Console.
  2. Create two new buckets and assign them the names facility-data and patient-data.
  3. Adjust the permissions settings for each bucket: set facility-data to public and patient-data to private.
  4. Configure the CORS policy for the facility-data and patient-data buckets to restrict access to specific domains after the deployment of the application.

Configuring the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instance

  1. Access the EC2 service via the AWS Console.
  2. Launch a new instance and select the Ubuntu image.
  3. Choose the t3a.medium instance type. (You can adjust this based on your requirements.)
  4. Choose the VPC and subnet that were created earlier.
  5. Configure the security group to allow inbound traffic on ports 22 80 and 443 from all sources.
  6. Assign a key pair to the instance to facilitate SSH access.
  7. Configure the storage settings as required.
ResourceInstance TypeRegionMonthly Cost (INR)Cost Estimation Methodology
EC2 Instancet3a.mediumap-south-1~₹1080.00Based on 24/7 usage with default pricing
RDS Instancedb.t2.microap-south-1~₹1245.00Estimated for a single instance with minimal usage
S3 Bucket10 GB Storageap-south-1~₹19.00Calculated for 10 GB of standard storage
Data Transfer4 GB Outboundap-south-1~₹29.60Estimated for 4 GB of outbound data transfer

NB: Additional Including taxes, ec2 related costs etc. will be added to the total cost.