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Deploying Care on DigitalOcean

In this guide, we’ll walk you through deploying Care, on DigitalOcean. We’ll keep things simple & you can simply follow along to get your instance up and running. Expect the process to take about an hour, depending on your familiarity with the tools.


  • A DigitalOcean account (Sign up here).
  • A fork of the Care backend and frontend repositories.
  • A registered domain name (optional but recommended).
  • Basic familiarity with DigitalOcean's App Platform and Spaces.

What You’ll Be Doing

We’ll guide you step by step to:

  • Set up a PostgreSQL database for secure data storage.
  • Configure DigitalOcean Spaces for handling files and media.
  • Deploy the Care backend with Redis and Celery for task management.
  • Set up the Care frontend for users to access.
  • Secure the setup with custom domains, API keys, and SSL.
  • Setup a CI/CD Pipeline for Continuous Deployment

Ready to Start?

Grab a coffee and prepare to bring your Care application to life on DigitalOcean. Let’s dive in! 🌟

Step 1: Create the Database

  1. Navigate to Databases:

    • Log in to DigitalOcean and go to the Databases section.
  2. Create a PostgreSQL Database:

    • Click Create Database.
    • Choose the following:
      • Region: Select the nearest data center.
      • Engine: PostgreSQL (Version 16).
      • Resources: Select a plan based on your requirements. Navigate to Databases
      • Name: Give your database a unique name.
      • Tags: Add tags for organization. Navigate to Databases Create Database
  3. Save Connection Details:

    • Once the database is created, note the connection URL for later use. Connection String

Step 2: Set Up Object Storage (Spaces)

  1. Navigate to Spaces:

    • Go to the Spaces section in DigitalOcean.
  2. Create a New Space:

    • Click Create a Space. Create Space
    • Choose:
      • Region: Select the same region as your database.
      • Enable CDN: For faster file delivery.
      • Bucket Name: Enter a unique name.
      • Project: Select the default project.
      • Create: Click to Create a Spaces Bucket create the space. Create Space
  3. Generate API Keys:

    • Go to the API tab and click Spaces Keys.
    • Create a new key pair and save the Key and Secret.

Generate Keys

Step 3: Deploy the Care Backend (BE)

Step 3.1: Deploy Redis

  1. Set Up Redis:
    • Go to the App Platform and click Create App. Select App Platform
    • Choose Docker Hub as the source and use:
      • Repository: redis/redis-stack-server.
      • Tag: 6.2.6-v10.
      • Port: Expose 6379 as an internal port.
    • Name the component redis. Select App Platform Edit these fields
  2. Name and Deploy:
    • Name the App care-backend and deploy it. Name and Deploy

Step 3.2: Deploy the Care Backend

  1. Fork and Clone the Repository:

  2. Set Up the App:

    • Click Create App and choose From Source Code.
    • Select your forked repo and branch.
    • Set the build and run commands: Create Resource from Source Code Select GitHub Repository
      • Build Command:
        python && python collectstatic --noinput && python compilemessages
      • Run Command:
        gunicorn config.wsgi:application --workers 2 --bind :9000
      Select GitHub Repository
  3. Environment Variables:

    • Add the following as global environment variables:
      DATABASE_URL=<db-url> # Use the connection URL from Step 1.
      BUCKET_REGION=nyc3 # Use the region of your Spaces.
      BUCKET_KEY= # Use the Spaces key.
      BUCKET_SECRET= # Use the Spaces secret.
      FILE_UPLOAD_BUCKET=example-space-ohc # Use the name of your Space.
      FACILITY_S3_BUCKET=example-space-ohc # Use the name of your Space.
      JWKS_BASE64= # Add your JWKS key. (Refer to the next section to create one.)

Generate JWKS Key

Generating JWKS...

  1. Expose Ports:
    • Expose 9000 for public HTTP access.

Step 3.3: Add a Domain for the Backend

  1. Configure Domain:
    • Go to the app settings and add your domain (e.g.,

    • Update your DNS provider with the CNAME record.

      Add Domain

Step 3.4: Set Up Celery Worker and Beat

  1. Celery Worker:
    • Create a new component in the app.
    • Use:
      • Run Command:
        celery --app=config.celery_app worker --max-tasks-per-child=2 --concurrency=2 --loglevel=DEBUG --logfile stdout
      Celery Worker Celery Worker
  2. Celery Beat:
    • Create another component with:
      • Run Command:
        python migrate
      Celery Job Celery Job

Step 4: Deploy the Care Frontend (FE)

  1. Fork the Frontend Repo:

  2. Set Up the App:

    • Click Create App and configure:
      • Type: Static Site.
      • Build Command: npm run build.
      • Environment Variable:
      • Output Directory: Auto.
  3. Add Domain:

    • Go to app settings and add the frontend domain (e.g.,

      Frontend Setup Celery Job Celery Job

Step 5: Secure Database Access

  1. Restrict Access:
    • Navigate to the Database settings.

    • Add the Care backend app as a trusted source.

      Secure Database

Step 6: Configure CORS for Spaces

  1. Go to Bucket Settings:
    • Open your bucket in Spaces.

    • Add the following CORS configuration:

      "AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
      "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
      "AllowedOrigins": [""],
      "ExposeHeaders": []


Final Steps

  • Verify Deployment:

    • Test the backend and frontend by accessing the respective domains.
    • Ensure all components (Redis, Celery Worker, Beat) are running.
  • Optimize Security:

    • Use SSL certificates (e.g., Let’s Encrypt) to enable HTTPS.

    • Configure firewall rules to restrict access.

      Care Infra


You’ve successfully deployed the Care application on DigitalOcean! With the database, object storage, backend, and frontend configured, your application is ready for use. 🚀

For troubleshooting, feel free to join our Community on Slack at; You may also refer to the official DigitalOcean Documentation for anything question about Digital Ocean